Digital Transformation Trends & Myths!

You may hear about Fourth Industrial Revolution. today it is probably the hottest topic for businesses. thought by many leaders, policymakers, scientists, and of course technocrats. Klaus the founder and the Executive Chairman of the world economic forum who actually coined this term and writes. the first industrial revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. the second used electric power to create mass production. the third used electronics and information technology to automate the production. now the fourth industrial revolution is building on the third. this kind of digital revolution has been occurring since the middle of the last century. it is classified by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. he actually makes a very important point - "neither the technology nor the disruption that comes with it is an exogenous force over which humans have no control. all of us are responsible for guiding its evolution. in the decision, we are making on a daily basis as citizens, consumers, and investors.

Today the term Digital Transformation is still misunderstood by many. digital transformation as a business imperative is widely agreed upon. when then is a digital transformation in practice? is it an IT project? or the introduction of few cool tools in the company. or the addition of mobility is driven customer relationship management (CRM) initiative to engage customers better? As an organization, if you look to embark on the digital transformation journey or trying to save away from it. there are few still myths regarding Digital Transformation that you need to steer clear of it. if you are interested and want to lead your organization through digital transformation. the first step is understanding the realities of digital transformation rather than getting carried away by the hype. Check Out For Digital Transformation Services.

you need to transform your business by applying digital thinking across everything you do - how you win, serve, and retain customers, how you operate your internal processes, and how you source business services. for example, your answer to the below question alone will help you craft a roadmap that takes digital transformation beyond the realm of IT.

Digital Transformation business success

  • Have you ever identified areas in your business where automation is most relevant?
  • Is your existing workforce consistently improving productivity and quality?
  • which steps have been taken to convince your investors about your digital vision and the long-term value creation of your digital transformation journey?
  • From the new source of digital business how much revenue is coming?
  • Do your company leverage analytics around customer data, operational data, and compliance?
  • Do you have a digitally literate leadership team?
  • Have you established training programs to overcome the digital skills gap and reskill your existing employees?
  • How are you empowering employees through digital channels to enable faster decision-making and encourage greater agility within your organization?
These are few myths that I tried to address. if you are looking for a technology partner who understands the Digital Transformation landscape. and provides Digital Transformation Services. then contact Qbrainx. they are an excellent service provider.


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