What does GRC actually mean?
What is GRC? GRC is the coordinated collection of abilities that empower an organization to reliably achieve targets, address uncertainty, and act with integrity. GRC Stands for Governance Risk and compliance. but the complete story of GRC is much more than just those three words. The abbreviation GRC was developed by the OCEG (initially called the "Open Compliance and Ethics Group") enrollment as a shorthand reference to the critical abilities that should cooperate to achieve Principled Performance - the capacities that coordinate the governance, management, and assurance of performance, risk, and compliance activities. This includes activities done by departments like internal audit, compliance, legal, risk, finance, IT, HR along with similar kinds of business, suite, and the board itself. GRC acronym was used even early in 2003. but the first review was done and published in 2007 by OCEG founder Scott L Mitchell in the IJDG. this paper made a huge impact on the entire ind...